Friday, June 29, 2018


Not man striving for goodness
but man under god's free judgement
the free act of His mercy
a word of comfort for man's conscience

Not mysticism but the Word!
Not intellectualism but the Word!
Not pietism but the Word!
Not moralism but the Word!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sitting Across


Sitting across this desk. Surprised to find this letter. Fighting urges to already get to the end of it.


Comfortably in your chair. With an increasing heartbeat and a warm feeling inside. Already longing for more, wondering what the following words might say. 

Leaning in to follow closely.

To that girl staring at the screen, looking pretty and mesmerizing.

I want to tell you something.

I woke up with you right at the center of my life. At the center of my very existence. And I want you nowhere else. You are everything I ever wanted...and still want.

You are the reason for the opening of my eyes while the dew still sets.

You sit at the center of my thanksgiving and gratitude.

You are the gravity that pulls me to sanity.

You are the melody that soothes my soul.

You are the words that rhyme in my prose.

You are the star that has now become my sun.

Thank you for being so lovely. 

I may not be a man of many words but here's three words I can eternally give you with all my soul:

I. Love. You.

I love you, in Christ.
I love you, in Love.
I love you, in Friendship.
I love you, in Sight.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Love and Glory

Over here it's raining;
there's nowhere I'd rather be
than here in bed with you,

Holding you in my arms
under sheets and above clouds,
loving you endlessly,

Your head resting on me,
hearing the raindrops falling,
a symphony to us

It's your favorite day,
one with rain, in bed all day,
cuddling, kissing, sleeping,

Looking out the window
I'm thinking of you - of us;
Feeling your breath so close,

I wouldn't trade right now
for anything in the world,
not for millions nor fame,

I'll never let you go,
you're my most precious treasure,
my life, my soul - my all;

Sleep, darling, sleep til noon;
I'll be here when you wake up,
loving you - needing you;

Babe, we made it - we did;
many things were against us
but now look at us here.

Saturday, January 02, 2016

Tu Piel

Con mi respuesta abrí la boca,
luego de ser preguntado a qué sabías;
"A mi universo, a fondant,
a una tarde de picnic, a girasol

Al sabor que más me atrapa,
A harmonía y a mi adicción,
A amapolas, a un Malbec,
A una tarde alegre y una oración.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Un Año Atrás

Un año atras vi tu mirada;
tus labios, tu cuerpo,
el fondo de tu alma

Un año atras no vislumbrabas
que ya te queria, te deseaba,
y que ya te amaba

Un año atras me hablaste,
me contabas, te me abriste,
me compraste

Un año atras te vi en persona,
por primera vez, y lo confirmé:
sí te quería de por vida.

Monday, November 30, 2015


Reflejada de una copa de vino,
hechizando con tu silueta.
Inmóvil. Callada. Encantada.

En un amor del que me rehuso salir.
Con alas que me niego a usar.
Con un vuelo reservado para un jamás.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Cada Segundo

Cada segundo
te quiero mas cerca,
Cada segundo
te quiero mas mia,

Cada segundo
te quiero completa,
Cada segundo
de mi cada dia.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

As Sweet As Wine

Strummed my guitar along the way
the chorus echoing our lovely cheer
the village sung, the people’s voice
was heard in all towns that were near

I saw a girl, that walked the road
under the trees that gave her shade
she quickly turned, my heart then slowed,
I thought, “my God, is this my fate?”

She asked to sing a little more
as if I’d pleased her with my voice
so my guitar I picked back up
and with a smile she gave me joy

She said ‘hello’, I said ‘quite right,
for a goodbye is not in sight’,
between some songs, some notes and rhymes,

we drank some love as sweet as wine

Monday, June 08, 2015

Let There Be Light

Beneath the stars that shine above
  there placed the wise God of all flesh
a gentle soul, a fairer rose
  than all the rest we count as blessed,

He saw the world and dark it was
  He saw the void - the need for light;
His words were heard - without a pause,
'Let there be light. Let her shine bright!'

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

We Broke the Silent Sleep of Night

'Twas hard to catch a breath,
  with rushing words that were not scarce,
She spoke and spoke - I did the same,
With rushing words that were not scarce

The moon was lit, her voice was heard
  we broke the silent sleep of night,
We sat for hours, no one at bay
  'til dark gave way to morning light

Her eyes, to me, seemed shooting stars
  like gravity her soul did pull me fast,
She made me whole, she stole my heart, 
 with rushing words that were not scarce.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

She Is There

Oh what dreams
  am I going to share;
When she sits on my mind
  when she reads my long stare?

Oh that time
  would forever stand still
Her sweet freckles I'd seek
  to myself delight in,

Oh that mole,
  sublime beside her lips,
Stands ruling all my being,
  as tiny as it seems,

In moments of hurt
  in moments of pain
In moments where sun
  is shadowed by rain,
In moments of joy
  in moments of truth
In moments that laughter
  does truly me soothe,

                    - she is there.

Monday, June 01, 2015

She Gave Me a Smile

She saw me from afar;
Oceans apart.

She asked what beat so hard;
I said, "my heart".

She giggled, 
                       then she smiled
the cutest smile
                         there ever was.

Sunday, May 31, 2015


The wind blew 
                   yet the fire wasn't gone,

The sea roared
                   yet no fear took control,

The earth shook
                   yet her eyes forever steady,

Her hazel iris withstood it all.

Not Just Any Day, Not Just Any Friend

There was something
                    about today,
There was something
                    in the air - I'd say;

She was glistening
                  and glowing,
I was listening
                  and loving - her words.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Though Life May Hang on a Thread

Though life may hang on a thread
and between enemy laughter your voice seemingly cease,
when the sun seems never to set
and adversities may multiply as the sands of the sea,

Though forced to the dark lion's den
and heathen minds diligently my soul seeking to mar,
when forever my breath ebbs
and for my innocent blood they go out on the prowl,

Though in battle and afraid
and hope giving its last breaths through fire at the stake,
when my will bears no more strength
and the closer I seem forever to death be enslaved,

I will see your face in my memory etched
and remember your words of indelible grace,
I will look to the heavens and look forward to face
the most beautiful sight as one group coalesced.

Written on: Nov. 11th, 2010(11-16-10) @ 2:00am

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Rohn With The Wind


“If you rest too long, the weeds take the garden”, said he
awestruck was I whilst receiving words like these.
A million times in a garden have I been,
but none opened my eyes to such truth herein.

What is reaped today long time before was sown,
this an old man knows not as a young man`s soul.
Were it in his heart written like laws in a stone
the fire of defeat has he already outshone.

Were he to live according to this wisdom as law,
and not act according to embedded flaws,
Steer to new realms now his vessel could he,
in uncharted waters his life would soon be.

Take heed of these words, and share with any man,
words to me given as a helping hand,
Home is close when you finally see sand,
my friend don`t despair and prepare to land."

*Written as a tribute to Jim Rohn when he passed away.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Con ansias prefabricadas

Pudiera vestirme de sustantivo y hablar de ello en primera persona, pero sonaria muy vanidoso y poco humilde. Podria aun desvanecerme entre descansos al hablar y cambiar la cara a una forma mas piadosa mientras hablo de su juego, pero aun asi quedaria corto. Algunos me creerian si les mintiera y jugara la cuerda floja con el tema del amor, deslizandome a escondidas bajo sombras de mentiras blancas, pero bajo tal seudonimo, cualquiera que respire no es ajeno a su alcance. Puedo sonar ironico y aun parecer que la enfermedad nunca ha tocado mi cuerpo, que no la he sufrido, pero ahi quedaria toda veracidad por la falta de complicidad con la objetividad. No estoy para advertir ni para discernir, sino para desbordar el dique que previene la contienda con el uno mismo y con el semejante. No hay valor de vanguardia que quite razgos de caballeria en esta armada, no hay coraje en el recipiente que se pueda recojer y regar entre corazones sedientos, ya la movida esta diez minutos tarde y la conquista clandestina de sus emociones clamando "Un caballo por mi reino!" como el Rey Lear. Que desaparezcan los vecinos que me miran con una sombra viril mientras pienso que hoy dia se necesita mas que un argumento y una voz para respaldar tal acusacion. No es mi deseo llevar a nadie a un desmantelamiento social o inicuamente hacerlo morir a piedras, con solo de hacerle pensar mientras duerme en que no todo lo que parece ser es y no todo lo que es parece ser, en que el susodicho te atrae, te llena y te deja caer; en que el sarcasmo afrodisiaco que te brinda no lo es todo, pero pudiera serlo...No me creas de a segunda mano, me da igual que me creas en el postre o la entremesa, pero esto no es un descanso, mas el manto lujurioso que muchas veces cubre nuestras extremidades... Dame una pizca de orgullo, una metralleta de amparo en desierto y una receta para una cicatriz abierta y te enseño eso que hace el amor. Te odian y desprecian en una esquina, para luego optar por merecer algo mejor, mudarse de vecindario y recibir indicios de una posible mejoria...pero sin notarlo, con tendencias esquizofrenicas. Que desaparezcan los letreros de la verguenza que descansan en mi ansias de escarlata, no hay mas cumbres de alta sociedad en estas curvas de ocio, todos esperan mas nadie reposa. El hoy no es el mismo de ayer, y nadie quiere volver a ver esas luces de antaño...buscan el saludar y una introduccion al porvenir, una mirada que discutir y quizas despues haya algo mas. No saben que corrompen lo mal hecho pero si lo notan, se pierden entre carnaval y maleficios. Se van en caminos peregrinos, como buscando el cofre sagrado, depositando su fe en urnas relucientes que brindan vida la cual ellas mismas no tienen, y no esperan mas que lo inesperado, pero con historias ya contadas y descifradas. Y tantas veces que he oido el "no confundas el buen oir con el responder forzadamente", si tienes un oido, oyeme...pero si tienes dos, escucha lo siguiente: El amor es esa cosa de la que se agarran fuerte, con ansias prefabricadas de despegar y volar, para luego terminar de nuevo en el piso, o peor aun, ahogados como Icaro.


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Ojos Seniles

y con ojos seniles
y miradas cansadas
traman un final de alfombra roja

y con tinta indeleble
contrastando papeles blancos
detallan en sus mentes
su camino en esta tina compartida

mitad de la cara en risa
mitad de la cara en llanto
como toda luz con su asignada sombra

y como tocando un piano sin melodia
o viajando en barco sin acompanante
planean su proximo viaje sin rumbo

y con cognac en mano
y habano en la boca
hacen salud a una historia, sobre la vida vivida
y la muerte reposada en una mala doctrina.


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Do you feel it?

My friend.
do you feel it?
feel that accelerating rush
that exhilarating pulse
down your chest.
do you feel it?
I think you do.
Take a black and white picture
of this moment
this slow paced moment
and save it in your pocket
you can later repeat the process.
It may only be a second
but it enwraps a lifetime.
the best part of the best drug in the world
isn't the high
it`s the time just before you take it
the dice dancing on the table
the smoke filling up your lungs
the dealer about to turn the card
the pill in your tongue
the ball spinning in the roulette
the drink in your lips
the substance up your nose
the staring before the kiss
it`s between the now and then
the birth of the greatest high
My friend.
do you feel it?


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A nosotros

A nosotros los artistas
se nos debe confiar,
sin confiar.
Se nos deberia de alabar
aun sin ganas de proclamar.
Le entregamos sentimientos
en bandejas de plata
y le reflejamos discernimiento
con espejos de oro.
A nosotros los artistas
se nos deberia pagar,
sin pagar.
Se nos deberian de ofrecer,
no tomar un decreto y forzarlos por ley.
Tomamos una historia
y la volvemos realidad
los persuadimos por un pedazo de hilo
y les cosemos un final.
A nosotros los artistas
se nos debe amar,
sin amar.
Se nos deberia de agradecer
aun sin ganas de simpatizar.
Le ofrecemos sentimientos ajenos
y voluntades propias
palabras nuevas
y verdades opuestas.
A nosotros los artistas
se nos debe confiar,
sin confiar.



Hagame un trago.
un trago que opaque el silencio
de la amargura
y un poco mas.
Paseme la botella si quiere
le dejo saber
que desde hoy
no hay mas mañanas
ni momentos por contemplar.
aviseme cuando el reloj
deje de pestañar
y sus punteros
apunten hacia un mismo lugar,
hoy le hacemos homenaje
a su forma de empinar las cejas
y a mi vida de bazar. Salud.
Otra copa por favor.
Hagalo un whisky al azar
mezclado con su risa
y forma de mirar.
La mente me vaga por sus lunares
uno en el pie, otro en la nariz
uno en la espalda y otro que lo cubre su cabello
cerca de su oreja.
Prepareme cuatro tragos.
4 whiskies a la roca
uno por cada lunar
para que me hagan llorar.
haga que cada gota me recuerde
la novela en su espalda
y su trasero que me arrebata.
Deme otro whisky.
Usted me comprende
es una sed que viene
no del paladar
sino del alma.
hagalo otra vez a la roca
y desbordelo sin paciencia.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Drive(Part I)

Today i did it.
I drove with my eyes closed.
It felt disturbingly great
as i breezed through the corners of my memories
revisiting those moments that evolved into me,
into my today.
Look here, it`s the time when i wanted
to become an adult already.
How silly. And ironic.
Now older i wish to not grow older.
Never thought i`d be wishing to return to my youth.
It feels like home.
Look here now, it`s the memory of me
trusting anybody, anywhere
opening my heart to anyone that seemed interested.
How innocent.
If i`d only known that betrayal is a human weakness
as well as human nature.
Look there, it`s me on the bridge
exchanging my heart for a cheap price.
How foolish.
If i`d only known that love is a double sided sword.
It kills and it heals.
Look at me over there, sitting down
being a dreamer.
with a thought in my head and a pen in my hand.
How creative.
I would`ve never thought i`d be able to describe things
i`d never seen nor feel.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007


It`s the idea of speaking without talking
of dancing without moving
of celebrating without laughing
...of intranquility

It`s the idea of running without sweating
of fearing without trembling
of seeing without staring
...of immobility

It`s the idea of drinking without swallowing
of eating without tasting
of touching without feeling
...of numbness

It`s the idea of stretching without flexing
of loathing without hating
of loving without taking
...of calmness


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

1 out of 2

Chapter I.

He flips the coin. Heads. He pauses, then he flips the coin once again. Heads. He looks out the window of his car as if trying to figure out which way to go. The night is calm and steady. There`s no wind and barely any light to see the surroundings, just the dim and shimmering lights of his car. He lights a cigarette and inhales the smoke smoothly, as if he had all the time in the world to do it. The motor is still running but he doesn`t make a move, he still doesn`t know where he`s headed. This way or that way? He`s still stopped at the intersection. He glances at each road, left then right, as if trying to read them and analyze them. Makes no difference, still doesn`t know. The cigarette burns while he inhales once again, the smoke covering his face. He watches how the cigarette burns, and it reminds him of tonight, of why he`s leaving and of why his life resembles the life of a cigarette. There are so many stories in a cigarette. The sleepless nights where the cigarette was your only friend; the partying nights where its smoke was amidst your joy; the moments of tears that fell on the cigarette, absorbing the tears like a sponge, and it still lit up; the moments of most personal freedom, doubts and questions, just like this moment right now. There are so many stories in them. You take them out of the box new, unlit, like when we come to this world, then you light them up and start to puff their life away, little by little, centimeter by centimeter, the everyday hustle taking our life away, shortening our life span, until we are nothing but a cigarette butt, just as disposable. He tosses the cigarette butt out the window. He pauses for a second. He then mumbles to himself, "Heads` left, tails` right". He flips the coin. Heads. "Oh well...", he says. " might as well mean something". He then takes a left while dissapearing into the night.


Sunday, July 01, 2007



its a product of 5am sleep drepavation
a rush of flashbacks, u in all of them
from the head to my toes, its all i see and hear

the guitar sound breaks the night
the moonlit night swaggering; boasting, yet deceitful
i cant get no sleep with u in my mind

this stream of chords crying to a never end
a playlist, a view of my shrinking heart
it really feels like the biggest pain

its late and im afraid to move
you swept me away and i wonder how i lost u
it really feels like the biggest mistake

*While listening to Damien Rice`s cd.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


a needle and an echo
a tidal wave from far beyond
what expected has now come
what rejected, but to others held(or close)

as it approaches, he feels
looks away and kneels
something beats inside
chemicals all in line

about time...

in the darkest shade he hides
in the deepest well he drowns
a mild levitation, a brief constipation
it`s getting quite clear now

go on,light your own candles
have it your way
mild struggle in the veins
quiet comfort in the shade

great white(3-26-07)


it has bitten
the life out of me
it has bitten

it has struck
clenching its teeth on my soul
it has struck

pity for the great
pity for the white
its urge to take away my soul
until i`ve payed my toll

it has has taken away...taken away my soul!!!

*Maybe add something later on, dunno yet...


the politics of nature
with its fine glove
on the guilty hand
it`s the way it is and was

everything you don't know
turns into a revelation
everything you own
ownership of a stranger

and i remember when
driving down the road
next to angels and posters
wanting, wanting, wanting more
and i remember when
it was sure to fade away
next to angels and monsters
wanting, wanting, wanting more

an apprentice to a master
nor a saint in chapel
there shall be no shadow
where shines no light



a town with no cheer
people waving goodbye at the doorstep

cold drops filling our lungs
an icy patch stuck to the heart

a wedding ring in one hand
a filthy stab in another man`s heart

it must be easier not to feel...

im wading through it
it`s not the normal tune i got used to

a blonde-haired dream got me ahead
a story written so well, but with a tragic end

numb my sense to feel
do it for good and disappear

dont wanna feel after u leave...

lock the doors of my mind
then wait around and stay in there

dont wanna feel after u leave...




if the future of funerals had a sound, this is it
not a melody im playing but an eulogy
for the dead that live and the alive that die

its that heightened sense again
a monochromatic feeling of avoidance
its that demon of our own design

where`s the soul that was a paint stroke
but later a masterpiece
where`s that light that i cant find

quite a silent moment
cheeks flexing, eyes frowning
but it`s all intact

open please those gates for me
open please those gates for me

*Dedicated to Gamal Nasser Michelen Paykert. RIP.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

From a distance(song for my band)


Verse I
No matter where i go
it`s right there in my soul
I can`t believe you`re gone

There are street lights by my side
I cannot seem to hide
this love that can`t survive

I promised to be there
to show you that I cared
this distance I can`t bear

I seem to be okay
I laugh to all of them
my mind`s so far from there

Verse II
The card under your sleeve
take the ace, don`t leave
take it out for me

Like that rose in your skin
for all eternity
i`ll be a memory from within



Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Carefree into a new day(maybe a song)

(While listening to "Coldplay - Fix you" as inspiration)

it`s like running away
like chasing the brightest day
like waking up in your eyes
it`s like a blossoming leaf in may

it`s like never knowing about the past
stepping light and fast
facing that horizon
facing that new place at last

tears burning our eyes like fire
the wind commanding our desires
traveling an upward trail
chasing dreams that`ll never expire

lifting ourselves from the floor
watching the lights shine on the door
running away like if never to return
stripped from worries and naked our soul

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Anatomy of a ghost

*Don`t know the time/date thing, but it was saved to my email inbox on May 28, 2004 6:03 PM.

you entered and you stayed
you came and you took
what i guarded

your shadow slipped through
and there you stood

you took my breath
you took my heart
so rapidly

now there goes the ghost of love...

Monday, December 26, 2005


*Another old one too, found in my email inbox too. Don`t know the time and date, but i know i sent it to my inbox on February 25, 2004 3:55 PM :)

Whisper me in ecstasy
you are as beautiful as a musical phrase
talk to me in splendor
like when you lift your eyes in praise

look at me slowly
share with me that happiness you always feel
bring me a smile
now one of my dreams has been fulfilled

your heart is pure
like crystal rain or a precious jewel
without you i`m lost
for your love i have turn myself a fool

your sayings and thoughts
are always towards good, hope and honesty
thoughts that need to be real
for a better and charming place would this be

the way you admire life
a living example to all humankind
bless be thee for that
it arouses in me the need to be a better man

Woke up one morning

*This is an old one i had saved a long time ago in my email inbox.

1:05 AM

i woke up one morning between a faded light and a sigh...
i woke up one morning in complete nonsense, thinking i was gonna die
i was out of life was passing by, and love was just a wish...
i started to notice you, to think of you, but problems did arise...
they tried to separate my love from you, but i tried to survive...
i shed some tears, tears that are worth you and that now are proof of love...
tears that make me i can say that i start to breath again...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Yet untitled II


"Like if in a solitary shrine
all this made the author realize
that when in pensive mood or lonesome
his inner thoughts could yet still blossom

Watching the daffodils as one watches
the morning sun, the author received flashes
of bright hope, floating no more as a cloud
but with mere humans with no doubt

Being lonely, he as clouds drifted,
no more since in him the daffodils existed
the remains of those wandering moments
could on him no longer torment

Earlier feeling blisfully ignorant
the author could now boast of arrogance
no longer would he loneliness conceal
but now loneliness with daffodils will he fill

The never ending journey of life
that after death still remains,
its past, present and future will he live
with grace, glory and no claim."

Yet untitled(another song)


"this sunday the light shone
beneath a velvet sky
i wonder what`s next to come
down the corridors of my life?

sat down, poured some thoughts
it`s amazing how words can sound
and if you go, go out now
the journey has just begun

in a glance, the truth is this:
life`s too short not to be admired;
bathe yourself with the morning light
kiss the sun one more time

didn`t learn how to love
now it`s about time
wet your feet with the stars above
or in the neverending sea"

Monday, November 21, 2005

Brillos de vieja gloria


*Found it the other day in an old notebook of mine...i don`t know, it kind of doesn`t convince me, i dunno why, post some comments about it so i can know what to change, fix or whatever, cuz i think i`m adding some more lines later, i still don`t know...thx...:)

"Siento que me invita una musa
a cerca de ella pasar
para brindarme el invierno
en bandejas de mar,

La tarde rejuvenece viendo al sol pintar
astros de elocuencia que no pueden callar
mientras el azul de nuestra historia
reclama brillos de vieja gloria"

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Nothing left

I wrote this one a long ago...then today i was looking into my old posts in my other blog n i found this, n when i saw it i was like "wow, that`s a cool song! who wrote this, what song is this? that is so cool..." then i realized i had written it; it`s the first time i was really impressed by something i`d written i think so, thus me explaining all this now.


Nothing left to subtract , now he`s walking on his own
there are voices whispering, hear the winding howl
there`s nothing left intact, they`ve taken his heart
ripped his soul, the present is beating hard

there`s a coldness in the air, he`s contemplating the knife
the words come to his mind, he can`t bear with life
his lips move faintly, "the future`s too far away"
empty steps walking with a short delay

paused life for a moment, thoughts knocking in
he has no place to call home, no love to sleep with
he wants clouds as wings, faith as love
but he`s got none, she`s now gone

never divided, now far apart
there she is in heaven, watching his dawn
"i know someday you`ll have a beautiful life"
she thinks, while the sky can`t bear his cries

he lighted her candles, amidst the cemetery
she gave him paradise, a love always steady
she was tattooed to his heart, now he has a bitter half
there`s nothing inside but reason gone mad

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Somewhere(a song)


Some might say that we should never ponder
some might even say love only kills, i wonder
here`s a thought, just dropped from the rain
let`s not sleep while we dream today

i`d been breathing on my own, till you came
nothing else would do, no money, spirit or fame
will you really carry on with me forever
like you said in that letter

i promise i`ll be around
i`ll stick around you until the day you die
and if i ever lose you, i`ll be somewhere
somewhere between nowhere and goodbye

there`s the exit sign, will we ever come back
let`s just drive till we turn amnesiac
some might say that we are delusional
others will just say love is not optional

Wednesday, June 01, 2005



You made me steal minutes from time
you made me think only about you
you used to dance in my mind
there`s a bunch of broken dreams
that i`ve left apart
i`d like to kiss your smile
escape in a shadowy night
lift you up high
complete one minute of ecstasy
fulfill my dreams
come back to me


So far from home
and so tired
with the weight
of my burden
i can do little with
my own,

As i sink deeper
into it, it`s not
helping, it grows faster
I`m lost within
i can barely hear


Just to have your point of view
doesn`t help at all
just to have a picture of you
won`t ease this thirst

it means nothing at all
if you wave me goodbye,
but the way your face shines
makes me fall and cry

all is well that ends
on a poor man`s heart
nothingness becomes everything
and joy embraces his heart

hear my wisper
hear my soul
love is near
love me do...



A word, muted
a silence, shouted
a feeling, bestowed
an obsession, controled
All these, in myself...

I need you


For all the things you`ve told me,
for things you hide between words,
for your requests for help,
for your requests for love
i say, i need you
now is the time for confidence,
trust and caring...
now is the time to know you better,
to just listen to you, closely...
beyond all doubts risen from this place
therefore, i confess,
i love you...



Forget the signs, read my emotions
earth crumbles, joy is scarse
fear overrules your body
a complete fool made of yourself
tampering the arcanes of wisdom
later you`ll see who`s wrong
they or you
your lack of appreciation
is not helping you at all
what they`ve done for you?
keep looking around
for them you are just a puppet
hide your identity
for awhile
it`s not time yet...

Somewhere amidst


There`s a place
where sorrow abides
eyes tearing the
crystal skies
full moon sprays
a beam of light
nothing is deadlier
than these cries

Walking down the cemetery
in my brain
i bury these evil thoughts
in one grave
for you
it`s just a game
for me
it is a shame

Tell me, for your mistakes
who will you praise?
in this place
your efforts are in vain
standing here
in my kingdom`s lair
demanding justice
looking for someone to blame

As dark i feel
right now,
giving acces to
all my wrath,
within my hands
the kingdom`s crown
lay fulfilling all
my tasks

Inside of me
i protest
grasping tightly
to my last breath
i hear vaguely
a deranged song
in this muted silence
i hope it lives long

Gasping, i get to
my grave
the one that
says my name
i lay an arm around it
and my body begins to land
i am dead
but my thoughts still stand...



Craving for justice
all i see are lies
you always cry
but you don`t know why
look at your kids
growing up in a non-real world
you see who dies
while closing your eyes
help me to show the truth
to the blind ones



Dying with my fears
my path becomes clear
under wicked skies
i fear most outrageous lies
cry and sorrow combined makes my soul
shine through my eyes
one day i will realize
that nothing happenned like it did

nobody understands why
nobody understands how
nobody understands who
nobody understands me
you will die with your fears
you will die with your tears
but worst of all
you will die with the unreal

Poverty of mind


Unknown labyrinth
our feelings down
we bomb our capacitites
once we are found

seek the root of all
and you will win
keep living and
you will die

i don`t find the city
i was born in,
i fear it has been taken
by the one hiding his face

Those moments

8:05 PM

Moments undearest to others
precious to us
moments living in the past
tha makes us shed tears today

moments of truth and joy
moments of freedom
living altogether in our memories, our kingdom

I remember yesterday
when all was white and pure
living in innocence, our childhood
our world was so big, yet we so small

I now look at pictures that now build my past
all i see is life and freedom
why did we get out of childhood?


8:00 PM

Despair, word spoken by many, lived by hundreds and sensed by all...shadows wouldn`t overcome them they thought, pardon them for mistaken they were...we, as shallow hills we travel in this decaying and morbid earth, are left behind with less and less of ourselves...beginning to rely in an empty trust on unmaterial demand , we share our absence, our world...we just wait, craving under the wicked skies for an unfallen that`ll share the light with that will show us the path...then we sit still, beginning to wonder...

Visions unaware


Between light and darkness
heaven and a black sky
lies some uttered truth
complete nonsense
for those that consider themselves right
a morning light faded out
by the eagerness we shine
by the drastic paradise we live in
distorded by visions unaware of reason

the beginning...

had some spare time, and this came to my mind, dunno why`s in spanish btw...maybe someday i`ll translate

"Aspirando la ultima bocanada de humo, miro al horizonte; el arte supera al creador, o es el creador la obra maestra? Tiro el cigarrillo mientras pienso. No hay nada mas ciego que un alma ahogada en penumbras, aunque esta vez me hago creer que veo una luz en el horizonte. Levanto la cabeza como quien exige una explicacion y sigo caminando hacia adelante como si buscara respuestas en el viento de la noche..."

Rediscover me

rediscover me, try your passion
let`s chase the infinite, no confusion yet arises
like a feather crushed by the wind are the thoughts of the shy on imagination
be born, be free, be weightless
try the water past the gates, the sweet whisper of the content
fly upon our lands, try our fertile crops
grasp the vivid emotion of the moment, seize the wisdom in the air
feel it blowing you away
yet it feels as if our lives were a mistery, a mistery to grow...


Monday, March 07, 2005

Sometime in february 2002 (IV)

Que bello nombre! Nombre por el cual mis sentidos desmayan; que no hay
grandeza como ella, que yo por sus ojos me alimento de amor

Que bello nombre! Nombre por el cual los humanos suspiran y sonrisa por el cual
los santos lloran, belleza perteneciente a ninguna mas, mas deseada por todos.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Sometime in february 2002 (III)

Hay tres cosas ,basicamente, que me llevan a la morada de un éxtasis; el misterio de la luna, la potentosa caida del sol al atardecer, y la majestuosa soberania del centrar mi pensamiento en ellos, o mejor aun, al verlos, me siento en paz, en mi hogar, atraido por la serenidad y belleza de cada uno...mi cuerpo se revitaliza y nace nuevamente para contrarrestar el decaimiento que se nos viene dia a dia...pero en verdad no hay nada comparado a tu armoniosa sonrisa...fundidos los tres no se acercan ni al borde de tu sublime solemnidad, de tu esplendor, de tu gloria...seria infamia compararlos a tu gracia...seria una deshonra para tu dulce ser...

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Sometime in february 2002 (II)

Muchas veces en la vida no nos damos cuenta de el pasar de las el "si esto hubiera pasado", "si lo hubiera hecho", "como habria reaccionado", "como hubiera afectado mi vida"...son cosas que aunque no pensamos en ellas siempre, lidiamos con ella dia a dia,mas alla del subconciente...siempre caminamos a merced del no hacer esto hacemos lo otro, y al no hacer lo otro, hicimos esto; siempre sin conciencia de nuestros hechos, siempre sin conciencia de lo que pasamos por pregunto que hubiera pasado si te hubiera mirado con mas ternura...que hubiera ocurrido si no hubiera actuado con tanta desconfianza en mi mismo...tan cerrado...deje pasar muchas oportunidades, no me vali de lo que pude agarrarme, no tuve fe en que saldria de alli con la victoria ganada y hoy me arrepiento de perder cosas que pude obtener aunque haya sido con dolor y arrepiento de no haber lidiado con esto hace arrepiento de ser tan cobarde y no haber tomado el paso arrepiento de no saber por que no lo hice... me arrepiento por la ignorancia que poseo...

Friday, March 04, 2005

Sometime in february 2002 (I)

Escrito alrededor de Febrero 2002:

Que es filosofia, sino lo que es y lo que no es; la presencia misma de la nada y de lo que ocupa...personifiquemos, aunque sea por unos minutos, a la filosofia, digamos pues que la filosofia no es mas que la descripcion o busqueda del aire que nos cuestiona, no tratando de definirla, sino de es mas que un soplo de aire que vibra y se expulsa de nuestros pensamientos, con el cual tratamos, segun nuestros sentidos, de dejar ver un ejemplo de imitacion segun nuestro modo de vivir, de pensar, de reflexionar, de alabar y de reaccionar una verdad absoluta personal de una idea o vivencia...

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Mi alma se condena
a una brusca pasion
mis sentidos se reflejan
en una eterna cancion

Mi amor, querida
una estrella nos guia
que de ti,cariño
suscito la vida

que de tus labios,
necesito el rocio
y de tus ojos
una mirada en verso

decirte, necesito
que tu
me acongoja

y que
tu sonrisa
me asoma
a la alegria

que te

y que
no hay
solo tu

las noches
para verte

y te
con humilde

de verte

no te me alejes

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

De ti

me he robado hoy de ti una mirada clandestina
un naufragio de pensamientos
y una sonrisa
mientras la mar se avecina

he escuchado milagros a la puerta de tu alcoba
suficiente caricia el viento destila
tus susurros huecos
con ecos de aurora

he bebido de tu fuente y trasnochado en embriaguez
fue la calma que no vuelve
el amor que existe
y el sabor de tu piel
