*Another old one too, found in my email inbox too. Don`t know the time and date, but i know i sent it to my inbox on February 25, 2004 3:55 PM :)
Whisper me in ecstasy
you are as beautiful as a musical phrase
talk to me in splendor
like when you lift your eyes in praise
look at me slowly
share with me that happiness you always feel
bring me a smile
now one of my dreams has been fulfilled
your heart is pure
like crystal rain or a precious jewel
without you i`m lost
for your love i have turn myself a fool
your sayings and thoughts
are always towards good, hope and honesty
thoughts that need to be real
for a better and charming place would this be
the way you admire life
a living example to all humankind
bless be thee for that
it arouses in me the need to be a better man
buehhhhh... no se.. pero a mi me suena este nombre a un viejo amor....
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